
MS , Inorganic Chemistry , Sistan and Baluchestan University , 1999 → 2002
PhD , Inorganic Chemistry , Sistan and Baluchestan University , 2003 → 2007



تهيه و شناسايي نانوكاتاليست ناهمگن چارچوب هاي آلي- فلزي از فلز آهن و بررسي اثر كاتاليستي آن در سنتز هيدروكربن هاي زيست توده

30th symposium of Crystallography and Mineralogy of Iran

Simin Rahat dahmardeh, Hamideh Saravani, Somayeh Ostovar - 1401/11/26

سنتز و شناسايي نانوكامپوزيت MoS2/Co3O4 به عنوان جاذب و فتوكاتاليزوري كارآمد براي حذف فلزات سنگين

30th symposium of Crystallography and Mineralogy of Iran

, Simin Rahat dahmardeh, Hamideh Saravani, Somayeh Ostovar - 1401/11/26

سنتز و شناسايي نانوكامپوزيتMoS2@NiO به عنوان كاتاليزوري كارآمد در گوگردزدايي از مشتقات تيوفن

30th symposium of Crystallography and Mineralogy of Iran

Morteza DAVTALAB GHOROTKHAR, Mohammad Sabaghi, Hamideh Saravani, Somayeh Ostovar - 1401/11/26

بررسي خواص زيستي، فعاليت آنتي اكسيداني و ميزان تركيبات فنلي و فلاونوئيدي كل در عصاره هاي مختلف برگ گياه توت آمريكايي (Maclura pumifera)

اولين همايش ملي شيمي و گياهان دارويي

Iman Piri, Hamideh Saravani, Alireza Einali, Omid Azizian-Shermeh - 1401/10/08

The effect of pH on facile one-pot phytosynthesis of Ag/Fe bimetallic nanoparticles using leaf aqueous extract of Maclura pumifera

اولين همايش ملي شيمي و گياهان دارويي

Amir hosein Zhasem, Hamideh Saravani, Alireza Einali, Omid Azizian-Shermeh - 1401/10/08

تهيه و شناسايي نانوكاتاليست هاي ناهمگن چارچوب هاي آلي- فلزي از فلزات آهن و كبالت و بررسي اثر كاتاليستي اين تركيبات در سنتز هيدروكربن هاي زيست توده

اولين سمينار علمي شيمي و انرژي پاك

Simin Rahat dahmardeh, somayeh ostovar, Hamideh Saravani - 1400/11/05

طراحي و سنتز نيكل اكسيد/ سريم اكسيد آلاييده شده با نانو كاتاليزور پالاديوم جهت اكسايش اتانول به عنوان سوخت در سلول سوختي

1th academic seminar of chemistry and ceanenergy

Ali Vahabi, Fariba Kaedi, Zahra Yavari, Hamideh Saravani - 1400/11/05

سنتز و شناسايي نانوكامپوزيت MoS2/gama-Fe2O3(30%) قابل بازيافت مغناطيسي و بررسي خاصيت كاتاليستي نانو كامپوزيت در تصفيه فاضلاب

1th academic seminar of chemistry and clean energy

Amanollah Salehpoor, Hamideh Saravani, Mohammad Sabaghi, somayeh ostovar - 1400/11/05

سنتز و شناسايي نانوكامپوزيت MoS2/ZnO(20%) و بررسي خاصيت كاتاليستي نانوكامپوزيت در تصفيه فاضلاب

1th academic seminar of chemistry and clean energy

Mohammad Sabaghi, Esmaeeil Hashemzaeei, Somayeh Ostovar, Hamideh Saravani - 1400/11/05

اكسيد مختلط نيكل مس به عنوان تقويت كننده فعاليت الكتروكاتاليستي فلزات نجيب براي الكترواكسايش اتيلن گليكول

5th Iranian Applied Chemistry Seminar

Hanieh Amiranipoor, Fariba Kaedi, Zahra Yavari, Hamideh Saravani - 1400/06/09

Nanosized Co and Pd binary electrocatalyst loaded on Ce0.25Sr1.75NiO3.75 nanoparticles for ethanol electrooxidation

8th International Conference on Nanostructures (ICNS8)- Sharif

Zahra Yavari, Safiye Hashemzayee, Hamideh Saravani, Meissam Noroozifar - 1399/08/28

Efficiency studies of multifunctions Pd-Co-SrCeCuO3+delta nanocatalyst for ethanol electrooxidation

9th Iran International Conference on Materials Science Metallurgical Engineering (iMat2020)

Fariba Kaedi, Zahra Yavari, Mahbobeh Ahmadi nasab, Hamideh Saravani - 1399/08/20

Self-propagation high temperature synthesis: A new route for fabrication of porous Mg-doped cerium oxide

5th International Conference on Researches in Science Engineering 2nd International Congress on Civil, Architecture and Urbanism in Asia

Zahra Hashemzaiee, Mehdi Shahbakhsh, Sabere Narouie, Hamideh Saravani, Mahmood Sharifitabar - 1399/05/16

بررسي فرايند حذف متيل اورانژ با استفاده از نانوذرات ZnFe2O4ZnS

چهارمين كنفرانس شيمي كاربردي ايران

Masoud Rafigh esmaeilzaei, Hamideh Saravani, Ahmad Reza Abbasian - 1398/05/01

Preparation and Characterization of SrCeCuO3 and its Application Assisting with Pd and Co as Nano-Catalyst for Electrooxidation of Ethylene Glycol

بيستمين كنفرانس شيمي معدني ايران

Mahbobeh Ahmadi nasab, Zahra Yavari, Hamideh Saravani, Meissam Noroozifar - 1397/12/18

Ceo.25Sr1.75NiO3.75 Assisting with Pd and Co Nanoparticles: Synthesize, Characterization and Catalytic Potentiality for Ethylene Glycol Electrooxidation

بيستمين كنفرانس شيمي معدني ايران

Safiye Hashemzayee, Zahra Yavari, Hamideh Saravani, Meissam Noroozifar - 1397/12/18

Synthesis, characterization, antibactrial activities of Ag(I) complex containing the SpymMe2= 4,6-dimethyle-2-mercaptopyrmidine and interaction Between Ag(I) complex with salmon fish DNA

بيستمين كنفرانس شيمي معدني ايران

Farzaneh Damani gol, Hamideh Saravani - 1397/12/18

Three-dimensional architecture of Pd-Ag aerogel as a unique class of inorganic modern polymers toward formic acid oxidation

بيستمين كنفرانس شيمي معدني ايران

Hamideh Saravani, - 1397/12/18

Synthesis and characterization of nano-oxide (Co3O4)And(CeO2) using precursor [(phen)2(OH2)Co(?-SCN)Ce(?-SCN)(SCN)4Co(OH2)(Phen)2]NO3

بيستمين كنفرانس شيمي معدني ايران

MAHIN MOHAMMADPOR, Hamideh Saravani, Masoud Rafigh esmaeilzaei - 1397/12/18

Synthesis and characterization of nanoparticle BaFe2O4 using precursor [Fe(bpy)3]2[Ba(acac)2(SCN)2 (H2O)2]

بيستمين كنفرانس شيمي معدني ايران

Masoud Rafigh esmaeilzaei, Hamideh Saravani, Ahmad Reza Abbasian - 1397/12/18

Barium hexaferrite magnetic fluid: preparation, characterization and the in vitro identification of cytotoxicity and antibacterial activity

بيستمين كنفرانس شيمي معدني ايران

Masoud Rafigh esmaeilzaei, Hamideh Saravani - 1397/12/18

Synthesis and characterization of nano oxid (CeO2) And (NiO) using precursor [(phen)2(OH2)Ni(? SCN)Ce(?SCN)(SCN)4Ni(OH2)(phen)2] NO3

بيستمين كنفرانس شيمي معدني ايران

Simin Rahat dahmarde, Hamideh Saravani, Masoud Rafigh esmaeilzaei - 1397/12/18

Synthesis and identification of the nickel dimethylformamide and thiocyanate [Ni (SCN) 2 (DMF) 4] complex by hydrothermal method

بيستمين كنفرانس شيمي معدني ايران

Zahra Hashemzaiee, Hamideh Saravani, Mahmood Sharifitabar - 1397/12/18

Cobalt oxide nanoparticles prepared in two different ways, chemical, physical, and compare results

First National Conference on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology

Mousa Aliahmad, , Hamideh Saravani - 1389/11/27

Electrochemical behavior of Co(biq)Cl2

ششمين سمينار سالانه الكتروشيمي ايران

Alireza Rezvani, Hamideh Saravani, Niloufar Akbarzadeh- Torbati, - 1389/07/17

Electrochemical behavior of bis 4-methyl benzoic acid bipyridylamine Cu(II) Cu(bpyam)(mba)2

ششمين سمينار سالانه الكتروشيمي ايران

Alireza Rezvani, Hamideh Saravani, , - 1389/07/17

Crystal structure of Octahedral Cobalt(III) complex with 5 5 -dimethyl-2 2 -bipyridine ligand

هجدهمين همايش بلورشناسي و كاني شناسي ايران

Alireza Rezvani, Niloufar Akbarzadeh- Torbati, Hamideh Saravani, - 1389/06/24

Crystal structure of Tetrahedral Cobalt(II) complex with 2 9-dimethyl-1 10-phenanthroline ligand

هجدهمين همايش بلورشناسي و كاني شناسي ايران

Alireza Rezvani, Niloufar Akbarzadeh- Torbati, Hamideh Saravani, - 1389/06/24

Crystal structure of Tetrahedral Cobalt(II) complex with 6 6 -dimethyl-2 2 - bipyridine ligand

هجدهمين همايش بلورشناسي و كاني شناسي ايران

Alireza Rezvani, Niloufar Akbarzadeh- Torbati, Hamideh Saravani, - 1389/06/24

Crystal structure of Tetrahedral Cobalt(II) complex with 6-methyl-2 2 - bipyridine ligand

هجدهمين همايش بلورشناسي و كاني شناسي ايران

Alireza Rezvani, Niloufar Akbarzadeh- Torbati, Hamideh Saravani, - 1389/06/24

Crystal structure of Tetrahedral Cobalt(II) complex with bathoneocuproin ligand

هجدهمين همايش بلورشناسي و كاني شناسي ايران

Alireza Rezvani, Niloufar Akbarzadeh- Torbati, Hamideh Saravani, - 1389/06/24

Crystal structure of Tetrahedral Cobalt(II) complex with 2 2 -biquinoline ligand

هجدهمين همايش بلورشناسي و كاني شناسي ايران

Alireza Rezvani, Niloufar Akbarzadeh- Torbati, Hamideh Saravani, - 1389/06/24

ساختار بلوري كمپلكس Co(dmphen)Cl2

هجدهمين همايش بلورشناسي و كاني شناسي ايران

Niloufar Akbarzadeh- Torbati, Alireza Rezvani, Hamideh Saravani, - 1389/06/24

بررسي ساختار بلوري كمپلكس Co(biq)Cl2

هجدهمين همايش بلورشناسي و كاني شناسي ايران

Niloufar Akbarzadeh- Torbati, Alireza Rezvani, Hamideh Saravani, - 1389/06/24

Synthesis Characterization and Crystal structure of Tetrahedral Cobalt(II) complex with 2 2 -biquinoline ligand

دوازدهمين همايش شيمي معدني ايران

Niloufar Akbarzadeh- Torbati, Alireza Rezvani, Hamideh Saravani, , - 1389/06/24

Synthesis Characterization and Crystal structure determination of Cobalt (II) and (III) complexes containing bipyridine derivatives

دوازدهمين همايش شيمي معدني ايران

Niloufar Akbarzadeh- Torbati, Alireza Rezvani, Hamideh Saravani, , - 1389/06/24

Synthesis and characterization of Cationic-Anionic Complex of Fe(III) Co(III)

دوازدهمين همايش شيمي معدني ايران

, Alireza Rezvani, Hamideh Saravani - 1389/06/24

Synthesis Characterization and Crystal structure of new four-coordinated cobalt(II) complexes containing phenanthroline derivatives

دوازدهمين همايش شيمي معدني ايران

Niloufar Akbarzadeh- Torbati, Alireza Rezvani, Hamideh Saravani, , - 1389/06/24

Synthesis of Co3O4 nanoparticles by modified sol-gel method and investigation of their optical properties

Iranian Physics Conference

Mousa Aliahmad, , Hamideh Saravani - 1389/06/20

Synthesis of a novel proton- Transfer 1 2- Phenelindiamine and 2 6-pyridine carboxylic acid

چهاردهمين كنفرانس شيمي آلي ايران

Alireza Rezvani, Hamideh Saravani, - 1386/12/14

Crystal Structure of Tetraphenylarsonium 4 4 -Azodi(phenylcyanamide) AsPh4 2Azodicyd

سيزدهمين همايش انجمن بلورشناسي و كاني شناسي ايران

, Alireza Rezvani, , , Hamideh Saravani - 1384/11/12

Crystal Structure Electrochemical Photo physical behavior and Stereoselective synthesis of octahedral Ru(II) phenanthroline derivatives complexes

Second world Congress on synthetic receptors

Alireza Rezvani, , Hamideh Saravani - 1384/06/16

Synthesis Structure Spectroscopic and Magnetic Properties of Mono and Dinuclear NI(II) Complexes with Phendione and Tetrapyridophenazine Ligands


Alireza Rezvani, , Hamideh Saravani - 1384/02/15

The Synthesis of Novel Mononuclear Ru(II) Complexes and Effect of the lnner sphere on the Ru-NCNChromophorc

14 Iranian chemistry chemical Engineeing congress

Alireza Rezvani, , Hamideh Saravani, - 1382/11/07

Photophysical and Electrochemical studies of monomer and dimmer of Ruthenum(II)Dipyridoquinoxaline-Norbornene

14 Iranian chemistry chemical Engineeing congress

Alireza Rezvani, , Hamideh Saravani, - 1382/11/07

Synthesis and characterization and use of Ruthenium(II)Dipyridiouinoxaline Norbornene as ROMP monomer

چهاردهمين كنگره شيمي ومهندسي شيمي ايران

Alireza Rezvani, , Hamideh Saravani - 1382/11/07

Green Chemistry

دهمين سمينار شيمي آلي

SayyedMostafa Habibi Khorassani, Hamideh Saravani - 1381/06/19

Further kinetic investigation of the slow stage of the reaction between 1 1 1-Trichloro-3-Methyl-3-pbospholene and alcohols by UV spectophotometry technique.

The 5th Conference of physical Chemistry persian Gulf University

SayyedMostafa Habibi Khorassani, Malektaher Maghsoodlou, Hamideh Saravani -

Kinetic investigation of the reaction between triphenylphosphine (TPP) dialkyl acetylendicarboxylate (DMAD) and a carbon acid such as dibeozoylmelhao(DBM) by UV spectrophotometry technique.

The Third Congress of Chemistry of Islamic Azad University.

SayyedMostafa Habibi Khorassani, Hamideh Saravani -

Hexa Coordinated of Zn(II) With 1 10-Phenanthroline -5 6-Dione

پانزدهمين همايش انجمن بلورشناسي و كاني شناسي ايران

Alireza Rezvani, , Hamideh Saravani, , -

Crystal Structure of a Cocrystal compound 1 10Phenanthroline -5 6- Dione and 2 6 Pyridinedicarboxylic Acid Tetrahydrat

پانزدهمين همايش انجمن بلورشناسي و كاني شناسي ايران

Alireza Rezvani, Hamideh Saravani, -

Crystal Structure of a Cyclometalated Rhodium(III) Complex With Phen-Dione Ligand

پانزدهمين همايش انجمن بلورشناسي و كاني شناسي ايران

Alireza Rezvani, , , Hamideh Saravani, -

Crystal Structure of Cu(terpy)(phen-dione) (Pf6)2

پانزدهمين همايش انجمن بلورشناسي و كاني شناسي ايران

Alireza Rezvani, , Hamideh Saravani, , -

بررسي ساختار بلوري كمپلكس Cu(phen)2 2( -apc) (PF6)3.2(CH3)2CO

شانزدهمين همايش انجمن بلورشناسي و كاني شناسي ايران

Alireza Rezvani, Hamideh Saravani, -

Study of solvent and substituent effects on the electrochemical behaviores of complexes iron (III) porphyrins

10th Iranian Inorganic Chemistry Conference

Alireza Rezvani, Hamideh Saravani, -

Zinc chemistry with 1 10-phenanthroline- 5 6-dione ligand

10th Iranian Inorganic Chemistry Conference

Alireza Rezvani, , Hamideh Saravani, -

Synthesis and characterization of ClCu(tppz) Ni(tppz)CuCl (pf6 )4 complex

10th Iranian Inorganic Chemistry Conference

, , Hamideh Saravani -

Synthesis and characterization Zn(dipic)(phen-dion)CL NH4 complex

10th Iranian Inorganic Chemistry Conference

Alireza Rezvani, Hamideh Saravani, -

Five Coordinated of Cu(II) with 1 10-phenanthroline- 5 6-dione

10th Iranian Inorganic Chemistry Conference

Alireza Rezvani, , Hamideh Saravani, -

Synthesis spectroscopic and electrochemical studies of Cu (phen)2 2( -dpcat) (PF6)2 complex

دهمين كنفرانس شيمي معدني ايران

Alireza Rezvani, , Hamideh Saravani, -

Electrochemical and spectroscopic studies of the effect of co-ligand and metal on the metal metal coupling in dinuclear transition metal cimplexes

دهمين كنفرانس شيمي معدني ايران

Alireza Rezvani, Hamideh Saravani, -

Spectroscopic magnetic properties and electrochemical studies of mono and dinuclear Cu(II) complexes with phendione derivatives ligands.

Second world Congress on synthetic receptors

Alireza Rezvani, , Hamideh Saravani -

Synthesis of a Novel Proton-Transfer 1 10- phenanthroline-5 6-dion Pyridine-2 6-dicarboxylat

نهمين كنفرانس شيمي معدني ايران

Alireza Rezvani, Hamideh Saravani, -

Synthesis spectroscopic and electrochemical studies of (bpy)2Ni 2( -dpcat) (PF6)2 complex

نهمين كنفرانس شيمي معدني ايران

Alireza Rezvani, , Hamideh Saravani, Niloufar Akbarzadeh- Torbati, -

Synthesis spectroscopic magnetic and electrochemical studies

نهمين كنفرانس شيمي معدني ايران

, Alireza Rezvani, , Hamideh Saravani, -

Synthesis spectroscopic and electrochemical studies of cis-Ru (phen)2(2 5-Cl2pcyd) complex

نهمين كنفرانس شيمي معدني ايران

Alireza Rezvani, Hamideh Saravani, , , -

Synthesis and characterization Ni(II) complex of dipicolinic acid with poly pyridyl ligand

نهمين كنفرانس شيمي معدني ايران

Alireza Rezvani, Hamideh Saravani, , -

Synthesis and characrization of Co(phen)2CO3 NO3 complex

نهمين كنفرانس شيمي معدني ايران

, Alireza Rezvani, , Hamideh Saravani -

ايمان پيري , [ Hamideh Saravani, Alireza Einali, ]
نيمسال اول سال تحصيلي 00-99

پريسا شاهوزهي , [ Hamideh Saravani, Zahra Yavari, Fariba Kaedi ]
نيمسال اول سال تحصيلي 00-99

اميرحسين ژاسم , [ Hamideh Saravani, Alireza Einali, ]
نيمسال اول سال تحصيلي 00-99

مهين محمدپور , [ Hamideh Saravani, Masoud Rafigh esmaeilzaei ]
نيمسال اول سال تحصيلي 98-97

سيمين راحت دهمرده , [ Hamideh Saravani, Alireza Rezvani, Masoud Rafigh esmaeilzaei ]
نيمسال اول سال تحصيلي 98-97

سلامه نعمتيان , [ Hamideh Saravani, Zahra Yavari, Meissam Noroozifar ]
نيمسال اول سال تحصيلي 98-97

صالحه گمركي , [ Meissam Noroozifar, Zahra Yavari, Hamideh Saravani ]
نيمسال اول سال تحصيلي 98-97

محمد محمدي , [ Hamideh Saravani, Meissam Noroozifar, Zahra Yavari ]
نيمسال دوم سال تحصيلي 97-96

مرضيه بياباني , [ Hamideh Saravani ]
نيمسال اول سال تحصيلي 97-96

مهران دهواري , [ Hamideh Saravani, Niloufar Akbarzadeh- Torbati ]
نيمسال اول سال تحصيلي 97-96

اعظم تنهايي اديمي , [ Hamideh Saravani ]
نيمسال اول سال تحصيلي96-95

زهرا هاشم زايي , [ Hamideh Saravani, Ebrahim Mollashahi ]
نيمسال اول سال تحصيلي96-95

محبوبه احمدي نسب , [ Hamideh Saravani, Zahra Yavari ]
نيمسال اول سال تحصيلي96-95

صفيه هاشم زايي , [ Hamideh Saravani, Zahra Yavari ]
نيمسال اول سال تحصيلي96-95

علي بخشي , [ Hamideh Saravani ]
نيمسال اول سال تحصيلي94-95

نصراله شهنوازي , [ Hamideh Saravani ]
نيمسال اول سال تحصيلي94-95

سيده طاهره موسوي كيا , [ Hamideh Saravani ]
نيمسال اول سال تحصيلي94-95

روح اله ابراهيمي , [ Hamideh Saravani ]
نيمسال اول سال تحصيلي94-95

وحيده چاري زهي , [ Hamideh Saravani, Meissam Noroozifar ]
نيمسال اول سال تحصيلي94-95

عبدالطيف شفايي دوك , [ Hamideh Saravani ]
نيمسال اول سال تحصيلي94-95

سانيا ساحلي , [ Alireza Rezvani, Hamideh Saravani ]
نيمسال اول سال تحصيلي94-93

سليمه سادات هاشمي رابري , [ Hamideh Saravani, Ali Ebrahimi ]
نيمسال اول سال تحصيلي94-93

مصطفي ميري , [ Hamideh Saravani, Ali Ebrahimi ]
نيمسال اول سال تحصيلي94-93

حسين طغرلي , [ Hamideh Saravani, Ali Ebrahimi ]
نيمسال اول سال تحصيلي94-93

سميرا مهدوي نژاد , [ Alireza Rezvani, Hamideh Saravani ]
نيمسال اول سال تحصيلي94-93

افسانه كمالي مظلوم , [ Hamideh Saravani, Ali Ebrahimi ]
نيمسال اول سال تحصيلي94-93

ميلاد تخشاقهفرخي , [ Hamideh Saravani, Alireza Rezvani ]
نيمسال دوم سال تحصيلي93-92

پريسا ايرانمنش , [ Hamideh Saravani, Alireza Rezvani ]
نيمسال دوم سال تحصيلي93-92

زهره رزم آرا , [ Alireza Rezvani, Hamideh Saravani, Ali Ebrahimi ]
نيمسال دوم سال تحصيلي93-92

مسعود رفيق اسماعيل زايي , [ Hamideh Saravani, Alireza Rezvani ]
نيمسال اول سال تحصيلي93-92

مهدي سنجراني واحد , [ Hamideh Saravani, Alireza Rezvani ]
نيمسال اول سال تحصيلي93-92

زهرا ايزدي , [ Hamideh Saravani, SayyedMostafa Habibi Khorassani, Ali Ebrahimi ]
نيمسال اول سال تحصيلي93-92

سميرا حسنعلي زاده , [ Hamideh Saravani, Alireza Rezvani ]
نيمسال اول سال تحصيلي93-92

فرزانه كشته گركهخاژاله , [ Hamideh Saravani, Nourallah Hazeri ]
نيمسال دوم سال تحصيلي 92-91

مليحه خواجه علي جهانتيغي , [ Hamideh Saravani, Alireza Rezvani ]
نيمسال اول سال تحصيلي 92-91

مهران دهواري , [ Hamideh Saravani, Nourallah Hazeri ]
نيمسال اول سال تحصيلي 92-91

سميه مير , [ Hamideh Saravani, Malektaher Maghsoodlou ]
نيمسال اول سال تحصيلي 92-91

عليرضا اويسي كيخا , [ Hamideh Saravani, Alireza Rezvani ]
نيمسال اول سال تحصيلي 91-90

محبوبه خراساني محمد رضايي , [ Hamideh Saravani, SayyedMostafa Habibi Khorassani ]
نيمسال اول سال تحصيلي 91-90

حشمت الله بابايي , [ Hamideh Saravani, Alireza Rezvani ]
نيمسال اول سال تحصيلي 91-90

فريما مظفري پور , [ Hamideh Saravani, Niloufar Akbarzadeh- Torbati, Alireza Rezvani ]
نيمسال اول سال تحصيلي 91-90

فرزانه ياراحمدي , [ Hamideh Saravani, Alireza Rezvani ]
نيمسال اول سال تحصيلي90-89

فاطمه ايزدي منش , [ Alireza Rezvani, Hamideh Saravani ]
نيمسال اول سال تحصيلي90-89

سميه شيخ احمدي شهرنوي , [ Alireza Rezvani, Hamideh Saravani ]
نيمسال اول سال تحصيلي90-89

جواد فرزان فر , [ Alireza Rezvani, Hamideh Saravani ]
نيمسال اول سال تحصيلي88-87


physical methods for chemists

Alireza Rezvani, Hamideh Saravani, - انتشارات مرنديز - 2013 Iran

kinetics, thermodynamics and mechanism of reactions of inorganic complexes

Alireza Rezvani, Hamideh Saravani, Elaheh Movahedi, - انتشارات جهاد دانشگاهي - 2015 Iran

everything about tio2

Hamideh Saravani, yahya absalan - دانشگاه سيستان و بلوچستان - 2017 Iran

نگرشي بر اوربيتال مولكولي

Hamideh Saravani, Masoud Memar - دانشگاه سيستان و بلوچستان - 2019 Iran


Hamideh Saravani, mehdi shahbaksh, Zahra Hashemzaiee, sabereh narouie - دانشگاه سيستان و بلوچستان - 2020 Iran

1392/07/01 - 1399/06/01


1399/06/22 - 1400/06/01

مدير كل امور اداري

1401/06/19 - 1401/10/27

1 - Alireza Ansarimoghaddam, Alireza Rezvani, Hamideh Saravani, Mehdi Shahbakhsh, Ghasem Sargazi, Synthesis of a New Bimetallic Metal-Organic Framework Based on La3+ and Ce3+ as New Porous Materials for the Electrooxidation of Acetaminophen , CATALYSIS LETTERS. (2024) 154 1828-1838
2 - Somayeh Ostovar, Hamideh Saravani, , Amanollah Salehpoor, Mohammad Sabaghi, , The effective adsorption of Ni(II) and nitrate from aquatic systems by superparamagnetic MoS2/Gamma-Fe2O3 nanocomposites: Optimization through RSM-CCD design , Arabian Journal of Chemistry. (2024) 17 105599-1-105599-20
3 - Simin Rahat dahmardeh, Hamideh Saravani, Somayeh Ostovar, Synthesis and identifcation of novel Ru/Zr metal-organic frameworks as heterogeneous catalysts in the oxidation of benzyl alcohol , CHEMICAL PAPERS. (2024) 78 6979-6988
4 - , Hamideh Saravani, Bimetallic Pd-Co Aerogel Three-Dimensional Architecture: Developing Self-Assembled Materials for Advanced Ethanol Oxidation , ACS Omega. (2023) 8 45245-45254
5 - Mehdi Shahbakhsh, Hamideh Saravani, Michal Dusek, Morgane Poupon, Study of the one-step in situ growth synthesis of Cu-Pic coordination polymer and Cu-BTC MOF and their performances for detection of 4-Nitrophenol , MICROCHEMICAL JOURNAL. (2023) 189 108557-1-108557-8
6 - Sabereh Narouie, Mehdi Shahbakhsh, Gholam Hossein Rounaghi, Hamideh Saravani, Hexacyanoferrate (III)/copper-TMA metal-organic framework for ultra-sensitive detection of bisphenol A , JOURNAL OF ELECTROANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY. (2023) 941 117542-1-117542-10
7 - Majid Farsadrooh Rashti, Hamideh Saravani, Khourshid Mehdizadeh, Zahra Elyasi, Hamedreza Javadian, , Growing nanoparticles to assemble a modern three-dimensional nanoarchitecture of Pt-Ru aerogel for advanced electrocatalysis , JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR LIQUIDS. (2023) 384 122047-1-122047-8
8 - Fariba Kaedi, Ali Vahabi, Simin Rahat dahmardeh, Zahra Yavari, Hamideh Saravani, Ahmad Reza Abbasian, Transition metal oxides synthesized by self-sustaining combustion method as an accelerator to desorb produced intermediates during ethanol oxidation , Results in Chemistry. (2023) 5 100974-1-100974-12
9 - Ali Bakhshi, Hamideh Saravani, Alireza Rezvani, Mehdi Shahbakhsh, Sabere Narouie, Ghasem Sargazi, Vanadium (III) -catechol functionalized copper metal-organic framework for sensitive detection of quercetin in biological fluids , MICROCHEMICAL JOURNAL. (2023) 193 109064-1-109064-8
10 - , Hamideh Saravani, Exposing an Environmentally Friendly Gelation Strategy to Fabricate Modern Three-Dimensional M-Ag (M = Pt and Pd) Aerogels with Excellent Green Energy Generation , ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering. (2023) 11 10649-10658
11 - Sabereh Narouie, GholamHossein Rounaghi, Hamideh Saravani, Mehdi Shahbakhsh, Poly (Biphenol/biphenoquinone - Vanadium (IV)) modified electrode as selective sensor for detection of 4-nitrophenol , MICROCHEMICAL JOURNAL. (2022) 172 106945-1-106945-12 View Paper
12 - Zahra Hashemzaiee, Hamideh Saravani, Mahmood Sharifitabar, Mehdi Shahbakhsh, Copper nanowires / poly (naphtoquinone chromium (III)) for simultaneous voltammetric detection of para - aminophenol, phenol and para - nitrophenol , MICROCHEMICAL JOURNAL. (2022) 175 107210-1-107210-12
13 - , Hamideh Saravani, Meissam Noroozifar, Ki-Hyun Kim, Tuning the morphology of Pd aerogels for advanced electrocatalysis of formic acid , MICROPOROUS AND MESOPOROUS MATERIALS. (2022) 344 112206-1-112206-9
14 - Ali Bakhshi, Hamideh Saravani, Alireza Rezvani, Ghasem Sargazi, Mehdi Shahbakhsh, A new method of Bi-MOF nanostructures production using UAIM procedure for efcient electrocatalytic oxidation of aminophenol: a controllable systematic study , JOURNAL OF APPLIED ELECTROCHEMISTRY. (2022) 52 709-728
15 - Farideh Paymozd, Ali Reza Modarresi Alam, Hamideh Saravani, Synthesis and characterization of chiral nano-poly [(±)-2-sec-butyl aniline] and its application in the first chiral polymer solar cell , OPTICAL MATERIALS. (2022) 125 112098-1-112098-15
16 - S. Narouie, G. H. Rounaghi, Hamideh Saravani, Mehdi Shahbakhsh, Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes/4,4-Dihydroxybiphenyl Nanolayered Composite for Voltammetric Detection of Phenol , ELECTROANALYSIS. (2022) 34 798-808
17 - Alireza Ansarimoghaddam, Alireza Rezvani, Hamideh Saravani, ghasem sargazi, Mehdi Shahbakhsh, An efficient ultrasound-assisted route of a novel Lanthanum (III) metal-organic framework nanostructure as a novel porous material for electrocatalytic activity in oxidation of 4-aminophenol , APPLIED PHYSICS A-MATERIALS SCIENCE and PROCESSING. (2022) 128 206-1-206-17
18 - Sabereh Narouie, Gholam Hossein Rounaghi, Hamideh Saravani, Mehdi Shahbakhsh, Iodine/iodide-doped polymeric nanospheres for simultaneous voltammetric detection of p-aminophenol, phenol, and p-nitrophenol , MICROCHIMICA ACTA. (2022) 189 1-11
19 - Majid Farsadrooh Rashti, Hamideh Saravani, , Unique superstructure of Pd-Ir aerogel as a robust three-dimensional electrocatalyst , INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY. (2022) 47 25638-25646
20 - Zahra Hashemzaiee, Hamideh Saravani, Mahmood Sharifitabar, Mehdi Shahbakhsh, Combustion synthesis of sponge-like CeOsub>2/sub> powder for selective determination of uric acid in biological fluids , Journal of Particle Science and Technology. (2021) 7 73-82
21 - Zahra Hashemzaiee, Hamideh Saravani, Mahmood Sharifitabar, Mehdi Shahbakhsh, Combustion synthesis of sponge-like CeO2 powder for selective determination of uric acid in biological fluids , Journal of Particle Science and Technology. (2021) 7 73-82
22 - Mehdi Shahbakhsh, Hamideh Saravani, Sabere Narouie, Zahra Hashemzaiee, Poly (hydroquinone-oxovanadium (IV)) porous hollow microspheres for voltammetric detection of phenol , MICROCHEMICAL JOURNAL. (2021) 164 105948-1-105948-10 View Paper
23 - Ali Bakhshi, Hamideh Saravani, Ghasem Sargazi, Mehdi Shahbakhsh, Ultrasound-assisted efficient synthesis of a novel Nd-MOF polymer as a new candidate for electrocatalytic activity in hydrogen storage , JOURNAL OF APPLIED ELECTROCHEMISTRY. (2021) 51 399-410 View Paper
24 - Somayeh Ostovar, Hamideh Saravani, Daily Rodriguez-Padron, Versatile functionalized mesoporous Zr/SBA-15 for catalytic transfer hydrogenation and oxidation reactions , RENEWABLE ENERGY. (2021) 178 1070-1083 View Paper
25 - Mojtaba Haghighat, Afsoon Naroie, Alireza Rezvani, Mohammad Hakimi, Hamideh Saravani, Majid Darroudi, Anticancer Property of Lanthanide Sulfate Nanostructure Against Neuroblastoma-Neuro2a Cell Line , BioNanoScience. (2021) 11 696-702
26 - Masoud Rafigh esmaeilzaei, Hamideh Saravani, Ahmad Reza Abbasian, Single-stage solution combustion preparation of ZnFe2O4-ZnS nanoparticles as dye adsorbent: Effect of fuel to oxidant and Zn to Fe molar ratios , Journal of Particle Science and Technology. (2020) 6 113-122
27 - Mehdi Shahbakhsh, Hamideh Saravani, Zahra Hashemzaiee, Sabere Narouie, Nature inspired poly (dopamine quinone -vanadyl) as new modifier for voltammetric determination of uric acid , MICROCHIMICA ACTA. (2020) 187 411-1-411-12 View Paper
28 - Hamideh Saravani, Majid Farsadrooh Rashti, Mojtaba Sharemolashahi, Maryam Hajnajafi, , Two-dimensional engineering of Pd nanosheets as advanced electrocatalysts toward formic acid oxidation , INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY. (2020) 45 21232-21240 View Paper
29 - , Hamideh Saravani, , Meissam Noroozifar, Three-Dimensional Engineering of Nanoparticles To Fabricate a Pd- Au Aerogel as an Advanced Supportless Electrocatalyst for LowTemperature Direct Ethanol Fuel Cells , ACS Applied Energy Materials. (2020) 3 7527-7534 View Paper
30 - Zahra Yavari, , Hamideh Saravani, Meissam Noroozifar, A simple strategy to increase inhibitory activity of chitosan towards iron corrosion in acidic media , INDIAN JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY. (2020) 27 227-234
31 - , Hamideh Saravani, Porous 3D Inorganic Superstructure of Pd?Ir Aerogel as Advanced Support-Less Anode Electrocatalyst toward Ethanol Oxidation , ACS Omega. (2020) 5 22031-22038 View Paper
32 - Majid Farsadrooh Rashti, Meissam Noroozifar, Ali Reza Modarresi Alam, Hamideh Saravani, A new one-pot, and green strategy for the synthesis of networks of connected Pt nanoparticles decorated on MWCNTs as an excellent catalyst for anodic electrooxidation of methanol , COMPOSITES PART B-ENGINEERING. (2019) 160 505-511 View Paper
33 - Mehran Dehvari, Hamideh Saravani, Niloufar Akbarzadeh- Torbati, , A simple and clean method for the synthesis of Pd/G catalyst for ethanol oxidation , INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY. (2019) 44 6544-6550 View Paper
34 - , Meissam Noroozifar, , Ali Reza Modarresi Alam, Hamideh Saravani, Shape engineering of palladium aerogels assembled by nanosheets to achieve a high performance electrocatalyst , APPLIED CATALYSIS B-ENVIRONMENTAL. (2019) 250 242-249 View Paper
35 - , Hamideh Saravani, , Meissam Noroozifar, Controlled organization of building blocks to prepare three-dimensional architecture of Pd-Ag aerogel as a high active electrocatalyst toward formic acid oxidation , COMPOSITES PART B-ENGINEERING. (2019) 172 309-315 View Paper
36 - , Hamideh Saravani, Majid Farsadrooh Rashti, Meissam Noroozifar, An environmentally friendly one-pot synthesis method by the ultrasound assistance for the decoration of ultrasmall Pd-Ag NPs on graphene as high active anode catalyst towards ethanol oxidation , ULTRASONICS SONOCHEMISTRY. (2019) 58 104616-1-104616-8 View Paper
37 - , Hamideh Saravani, Majid Farsadrooh Rashti, Three-dimensional inorganic polymer of Pd aerogel as a highly active support-less anode catalyst toward formic acid oxidation , INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY. (2019) 44 18028-18037 View Paper
38 - Zahra Hashemzaiee, Mahmood Sharifitabar, Hamideh Saravani, Meissam Noroozifar, Synthesis of porous Mg-doped CeO2 powders via self-propagating high-temperature synthesis route , ADVANCED POWDER TECHNOLOGY. (2019) 30 2947-2956 View Paper
39 - Majid Farsadrooh Rashti, Meissam Noroozifar, Ali Reza Modarresi Alam, Hamideh Saravani, Sonochemical synthesis of high-performance PdCuNWs/MWCNTs-CH electrocatalyst by galvanic replacement toward ethanol oxidation in alkaline media , ULTRASONICS SONOCHEMISTRY. (2019) 51 478-486 View Paper
40 - Zohreh Razmara, Alireza Rezvani, Hamideh Saravani, Molecular structure of inorganic supramolecular compounds and its application as a precursor in producing hydrocarbons , JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR STRUCTURE. (2018) 1171 503-510 View Paper
41 - , Hamideh Saravani, Meissam Noroozifar, Three-dimensional assembly of building blocks for the fabrication of Pd aerogel as a high performance electrocatalyst toward ethanol oxidation , ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA. (2018) 275 182-191 View Paper
42 - Masoud Rafigh esmaeilzaei, Hamideh Saravani, Mehdi Shahraki, تهيه و مطالعه نانو اكسيدهاي مختلط آهن-باريم با روش تجزيه حرارتي كمپلكس معدني , شيمي كاربردي. (2018) 13 83-89
43 - , Hamideh Saravani, Meissam Noroozifar, One-pot synthesis of ultrasmall Pt Ag nanoparticles decorated on graphene as a high-performance catalyst toward methanol oxidation , INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY. (2018) 43 7946-7955 View Paper
44 - , Meissam Noroozifar, Nafiseh Alfi, Ali Reza Modarresi Alam, Hamideh Saravani, A simple and fast method for the preparation of super active Pd/CNTs catalyst toward ethanol electrooxidation , INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY. (2018) 43 12103-12109 View Paper
45 - , Majid Farsadrooh Rashti, Farzaneh Damani gol, Alireza Ansarimoghaddam, Hamideh Saravani, Meissam N, Porous three-dimensional network of Pd-Cu aerogel toward formic acid oxidation , RSC Advances. (2018) 8 23539-23545 View Paper
46 - Parisa Iranmanesh, Hamideh Saravani, Alireza Rezvani, Synthesis characterization antibacterial activity and VSM investigation of Fe3O4NiCr2O4 nano oxide obtained from a new oxalato-bridged complex , CHEMICAL PAPERS. (2018) 72 487-495
47 - , Hamideh Saravani, Meissam Noroozifar, A fast method to prepare Pd-Co nanostructures decorated on graphene as excellent electrocatalyst toward formic acid oxidation , JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS. (2018) 739 882-891
48 - , Meissam Noroozifar, Nafiseh Alfi, Ali Reza Modarresi Alam, Hamideh Saravani, Pd nanonetwork decorated on rGO as a high-performance electrocatalyst for ethanol oxidation , APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE. (2018) 462 112-117 View Paper
49 - Fariba Kaedi, Zahra Yavari, Meissam Noroozifar, Hamideh Saravani, Promoted electrocatalytic ability of the Pd on doped Pt in NiO-MgO solid solution toward methanol and ethanol oxidation , JOURNAL OF ELECTROANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY. (2018) 827 204-212 View Paper
50 - Marzieh Biabani, Hamideh Saravani, Vaclav Eigner, Michal Dusek, A novel coordination polymer of Cd(II) based on 2-mercaptopyrimidine Sonochemical synthesis characterization and antibacterial properties , JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR STRUCTURE. (2018) 1166 470-478 View Paper
51 - , Hamideh Saravani, Synthesis and Characterization of new Binuclear Chromium Cadmium Complexes based on Terpyridine and Phenanthroline , Oriental Journal of Chemistry. (2018) 34 1323-1327 View Paper
52 - Parisa Iranmanesh, Hamideh Saravani, Alireza Rezvani, Synthesis characterization antibacterial activity and VSM investigation of Fe3O4NiCr2O4 nano oxide obtained from a new oxalato-bridged complex , CHEMICAL PAPERS. (2018) 72 487-495
53 - Hosain Toghroli, Hamideh Saravani, تهيه و شناسايي نانو ذرات اكسيدي مس و كاربرد آن در جذب آلومينون , نانو مقياس. (2018) 1 23-33
54 - M. R. R. Kahkha, Massoud Kaykhaii, A. Miri, Hamideh Saravani, Fast determination of bisphenol A in spiked juice and drinking water samples by pipette tip solid phase extraction using cobalt metal organic framework as sorbent , BULLETIN OF THE CHEMICAL SOCIETY OF ETHIOPIA. (2018) 32 595-602 View Paper
55 - , Hamideh Saravani, Meissam Noroozifar, تهيه و شناسايي نانوذرات Cu0.2ZnNi3.27O5.29 به روش هم رسوبي و كاربرد آن در پيلهاي سوختي , پژوهش هاي كاربردي در شيمي. (2017) 11 5-14
56 - , Alireza Rezvani, Hamideh Saravani, FischerTropsch reaction over a Co2-Ni-Mn/SiO2 nanocatalyst prepared by thermal decomposition of a new precursor , CHEMICAL PAPERS. (2017) 71 849-856
57 - , Hamideh Saravani, , Barium Hexaferrite Magnetic Fluid Preparation Characterization and the In Vitro Identification of Cytotoxicity and Antibacterial Activity , Journal of Inorganic and Organometallic Polymers and Materials. (2017) 27 818-826
58 - , Meissam Noroozifar, Ali Reza Modarresi Alam, Hamideh Saravani, Palladium aerogel as a high-performance electrocatalyst for ethanol electro-oxidation in alkaline media , Journal of Materials Chemistry A. (2017) 5 10244-10249
59 - , Hamideh Saravani, , Synthesis and characterization of BaNiO3 using a solid-state thermal decomposition method and the preparation of its stable aqueous suspension , BULLETIN OF MATERIALS SCIENCE. (2017) 40 711-717
60 - Sabere Narouie, Mehdi Shahbakhsh, Zahra Hashemzaiee, , Hamideh Saravani, Meissam Noroozifar, (Modified Graphite Paste Electrode with Strontium Phen-Dione Complex for Simultaneous Determination of a Ternary Mixture of 4-aminophenol Uric Acid and Tryptophan (Part I) , International Journal of Electrochemical Science. (2017) 12 10911-10932
61 - Mehdi Shahbakhsh, Sabere Narouie, Zahra Hashemzaiee, , Hamideh Saravani, Meissam Noroozifar, Modified Graphite Paste Electrode with Strontium Phen-Dione Complex for Simultaneous Determination of a Ternary Mixture of Dopamine Acetaminophen and Xanthine. Part II , International Journal of Electrochemical Science. (2017) 1 11763-11777
62 - Zohreh Razmara, Alireza Rezvani, Hamideh Saravani, FischerTropsch reaction over a Co2-Ni-Mn/SiO2 nanocatalyst prepared by thermal decomposition of a new precursor , CHEMICAL PAPERS. (2017) 71 849-856
63 - , Hamideh Saravani, Meissam Noroozifar, Novel fabrication of PdCu nanostructures decorated on graphene as excellent electrocatalyst toward ethanol oxidation , INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY. (2017) 42 15149-15159
64 - Hamideh Saravani, Masoud Rafigh esmaeilzaei, , Synthesis and Characterization of Ferromagnetic BaFe2O4 Nanocrystals Using Novel Ionic Precursor Complex [Fe(opd)3]2[Ba(CN)8] , Journal of Inorganic and Organometallic Polymers and Materials. (2016) 26 353-358
65 - Hamideh Saravani, , , Synthesis and Characterization of Superparamagnetic NiBaO2 Nano-Oxide Using Novel Precursor Complex [Ba(H2O)8][Ni(dipic)2] , Journal of Inorganic and Organometallic Polymers. (2016) 26 660-666
66 - Hamideh Saravani, , Synthesis and characterization of Cu2BaO4nanoparticles from thermolysis of [Cu(Opd)3]2[Ba(SCN)6(H2O)2] complex , Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research. (2016) 8 1408-1413
67 - , Alireza Rezvani, Hamideh Saravani, Crystal Structure, Thermal Behavior and Magnetic Properties of a Novel Polymer [Ni(dipic)2Mn(O)2]n Synthesized by Reflux and Sonochemistry , Journal of Inorganic and Organometallic Polymers and Materials. (2016) 26 943-949
68 - , Alireza Rezvani, Hamideh Saravani, %Synthesize and crystal structure of a novel complex Co(dipic)2Mn)OH2(5.2H2O prepared by different methods , Bulgarian Chemical Communications. (2016) 48 31-36
69 - , Malektaher Maghsoodlou, Hamideh Saravani, , Eideh Mofarrah, Synthesis of Stable Carbamate Phosphorus Ylides by a Four-Component Reaction And Dynamic 1HNmr Study of the Energy Barriers for the Rotation around the Carbon–Nitrogen Single Bond and the Carbon–Carbon Double Bond , PHOSPHORUS SULFUR AND SILICON AND THE RELATED ELEMENTS. (2015) 190 1410-1421
70 - Hamideh Saravani, Farima Mozafai pour, Synthesis, Characterization, and Crystal Structure of New Complex, Based on Proton Transfer to Uranium(VI) Complex , Synthesis and Reactivity in Inorganic Metal-Organic and Nano-Metal Chemistry. (2015) 45 1717-1722
71 - Hamideh Saravani, , Synthesis and Characterization of Lanthanum Oxide and Lanthanum Oxid Carbonate Nanoparticles from Thermalizes of [La(acacen)(NO3) (H2O) Complex , Oriental Journal of Chemistry. (2015) 31 2351-2357
72 - , Alireza Rezvani, Hamideh Saravani, Synthesis and characterization of new nanostructure complex [Co(dipic)2Ni(OH2)6], as a precursor for the synthesis of NiCo2O4 nanoparticles , Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research. (2015) 12 170-177
73 - Niloufar Akbarzadeh- Torbati, Alireza Rezvani, Hamideh Saravani, , , , Synthesis characterization and crystal structure of new four-coordinated cobalt(II) complexes containing phenanthroline derivatives , RESEARCH ON CHEMICAL INTERMEDIATES. (2015) 41 -
74 - Niloufar Akbarzadeh- Torbati, Alireza Rezvani, Hamideh Saravani, Tahereh Kondori, Vahid Amani, Hami, Synthesis characterization and crystal structure of new four-coordinated cobalt(II) complexes containing phenanthroline derivatives , RESEARCH ON CHEMICAL INTERMEDIATES. (2015) 41 1247-1256
75 - ghasem sargazi, daryoush afzali, ali ghafainazari, Hamideh Saravani, Rapid Synthesis of Cobalt Metal Organic Framework , Journal of Inorganic and Organometallic Polymers and Materials. (2014) 24 786-790
76 - Nourallah Hazeri, Malektaher Maghsoodlou, Hamideh Saravani, Ebrahim Mollashahi, An efficient one-pot three-component synthesis of tetrahydrobenzo b pyran and 3 4-dihydropyrano c chromene derivatives using starch solution as catalyst , CHINESE JOURNAL OF CATALYSIS. (2014) 35 391-395
77 - , Reza Heydari, , Hamideh Saravani, Claudia Graiff, Efficient synthesis of new stable 1 4-diionic organosulfurs and corresponding mesoionic compounds from N-heterocyclic ylides , PHOSPHORUS SULFUR AND SILICON AND THE RELATED ELEMENTS. (2014) 263-273
78 - , Reza Heydari, , Hamideh Saravani, Efficient Synthesis of New Stable 1,4- diionic Organosulfurs and Corresponding Mesoionic Compounds from NHeterocyclic Ylides , PHOSPHORUS SULFUR AND SILICON AND THE RELATED ELEMENTS. (2014) 189 263-273
79 - Nourallah Hazeri, Malektaher Maghsoodlou, , , Hamideh Saravani, Ebrahim Mollashahi, An efficient onepot threecomponent synthesis of tetrahydrobenzo[b]pyran and 3,4dihydropyrano[c]chromene derivatives using starch solution as catalyst , CHINESE JOURNAL OF CATALYSIS. (2014) 35 391-395
80 - SayyedMostafa Habibi-Khorassani, Niloufar Akbarzadeh- Torbati, Mehdi Shahraki, , , Hamideh Saravani, The crystal structure supramolecular interplay and theoretical studies of helical dipyrrolophenanthroline , Iranian Journal of Organic Chemistry. (2013) 5 -
81 - , Mousa Aliahmad, Hamideh Saravani, Fabrication of Superhydrophobic surface by Co3O4 nanoparticles , INDIAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICS. (2013) 87 211-215
82 - Hamideh Saravani, Synthesis Characterization and Electrochemical Study ofLa(III) Complex With Polypyrydyl Ligands , World Applied Programming. (2012) 2 389-393
83 - Niloufar Akbarzadeh- Torbati, , Hamideh Saravani, Synthesis, characterization, spectroscopic study, and catalytic behavior of ruthenium(II) ophenanthroline complex with dipicolinate , JOURNAL OF COORDINATION CHEMISTRY. (2012) 994-1003
84 - Niloufar Akbarzadeh- Torbati, , Hamideh Saravani, Synthesis, Characterization, and Crystal Structure of Tetrahedral Cobalt(II) Complex with 2,2'-Biquinoline Ligand , Synthesis and Reactivity in Inorganic Metal-Organic and Nano-Metal Chemistry. (2011) 41 507-512
85 - Niloufar Akbarzadeh- Torbati, , Hamideh Saravani, Synthesis, Characterization, and Crystal Structure of Tetrahedral Cobalt(II) Complex with 2,2_-Biquinoline Ligand , Synthesis and Reactivity in Inorganic Metal-Organic and Nano-Metal Chemistry. (2011) -
86 - Niloufar Akbarzadeh- Torbati, Alireza Rezvani, Hamideh Saravani, Hamid Reza Khavasi, Vahid Amini, Synthesis, Characterization, and Crystal Structure of Tetrahedral Cobalt(II) Complex with 2,2?-Biquinoline Ligand , Synthesis and Reactivity in Inorganic Metal-Organic and Nano-Metal Chemistry. (2011) -
87 - Hamideh Saravani, Alireza Rezvani, Niloufar Akbarzadeh- Torbati, (2 2 -Biquinoline-k2N N )dibromido-zinc(II) , ACTA CRYSTALLOGRAPHICA SECTION E-STRUCTURE REPORTS ONLINE. (2010) 66 m1622-m1623
88 - Alireza Rezvani, Hamideh Saravani, h haddad, Synthesis Crystal Structure Electrochemical and Fluoresence Studies of a Novel Zn(II)-Flourphore 1 10-Phenanthroline-5 6-dione (Phen-dione) , Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society JICS. (2010) 7 825-833
89 - Hamideh Saravani, , Niloufar Akbarzadeh- Torbati, (2,200-Biquinoline-j2N,N00)dibromidozinc( II) , ACTA CRYSTALLOGRAPHICA SECTION E-STRUCTURE REPORTS ONLINE . (2010) 1622-1623
90 - Niloufar Akbarzadeh- Torbati, , Hamideh Saravani, Dichlorido(6,60-dimethyl-2,20-bipyridinej 2N,N0)cobalt(II) , ACTA CRYSTALLOGRAPHICA SECTION E-STRUCTURE REPORTS ONLINE . (2010) 1284-
91 - SayyedMostafa Habibi Khorassani, Ali Ebrahimi, Malektaher Maghsoodlou, Hamideh Saravani, , , , , Zoh, Theoretical Study An Efficient Synthesis Route to And Kinetic Investigation of Stable Phosphorus Ylides Derived from Benzamide , PROGRESS IN REACTION KINETICS AND MECHANISM. (2009) -
92 - Hamideh Saravani, Alireza Rezvani, Ghobad Mansouri, Ali Reza Salehi Rad, Hamid Reza Khavasi, Hassan , Crystal structure magnetic and electrochemical properties of five-coordinate copper (II) complexes with 110-phenanthroline-56-dione , INORGANICA CHIMICA ACTA. (2007) 360 2829-2834
93 - Hamideh Saravani, Alireza Rezvani, h hadadzadeh, , An Investigation of Z-in Distortion in Mononuclear Cu(II) Complex with Terpyridine Ligands Cu(terpy)2 (PF6)2 , Iranian Journal of Chemical Engineering. (2007) 26 103-110
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96 - , Marilyn M.Olmstead, Alireza Rezvani, , Hamideh Saravani, Synthesis structure Spectroscopic magnetic and electrochemical studies of NiII phen-dione complex , INORGANICA CHIMICA ACTA. (2006) - 2154-2158
97 - Hassan Hadadzadeh, Marilyn M. Olmstead, Alireza Rezvani, Nasser Safari, Hamideh Saravani, Synthesis structure spectroscopic magnetic and electrochemical studies of NiII phen-dione complex , INORGANICA CHIMICA ACTA. (2006) 359 2154-2158