MS , English Language and Literature , Shiraz University , 1974 → 1978
MS , English Language Teaching , Shiraz University , 1979 → 1989
PhD , English Language Teaching , Allameh Tabatabayi Uni , 2003 → 2010


The Thematic Progression Pattern Changes in the Process of Translating News from English into Persian

Translation and the Media

Abbas Ali Ahangar, Esmaeel Nourmohammadi, - 1398/02/14

A Study of the Interactive Metadiscourse Markers in the Research Papers of Senior Undergraduate Students of Translation Studies at University of Sistan and Baluchestan

The 12th International TELLSI Conference

Abbas Ali Ahangar, Esmaeel Nourmohammadi, - 1393/12/06

study and translation of some chapters or an introduction to religious and spiritual experience by marianne rankin

مهدي شهركي , [ Khalil Hakimifar, Esmaeel Nourmohammadi ]
نيمسال اول سال تحصيلي94-95

The Effect of Extensive Listening on the Listening Comprehension of Iranian Intermediate EFL Lerners

صبا غفوريان موزون , [ Esmaeel Nourmohammadi ]
نيمسال اول سال تحصيلي94-93

The Relationship between Critical Thinking Ability and Reading Strategies Used by Iranian EFL Learners

نسرين دهقان نيري , [ Esmaeel Nourmohammadi, Farrokhlagha Heidari ]
نيمسال اول سال تحصيلي 91-90

The Relationship Between Listening Self Efficacy Beliefs Of Iranian Efll Students and Their Use Of Listening Strategies

مهري ايزدي , [ Esmaeel Nourmohammadi, Farrokhlagha Heidari ]
نيمسال دوم سال تحصيلي 90-89

Reading self efficiacy reading strategy use reading comprehensionof iranian EFL university learners

مهديه ناصري , [ Esmaeel Nourmohammadi, Farrokhlagha Heidari ]
نيمسال دوم سال تحصيلي 90-89

The Impact of Task based Approach on vocabulary Learning in ESP Course

ليلا فرزانه صاحبي , [ Abdullah Sarani, Esmaeel Nourmohammadi ]
نيمسال اول سال تحصيلي90-89

Focus on Communication in Iranian High School Language Classes A study of the Role of Teaching Materials in Changing the Focus ontn Communication in Language

اذين ناصح , [ Esmaeel Nourmohammadi, ]
نيمسال اول سال تحصيلي90-89


Exercises in Everyday English Metaphorical Expressions

Esmaeel Nourmohammadi - جنگل جاودانه - 2016

1 - , Abbas Ali Ahangar, Esmaeel Nourmohammadi, Persian Translated and Non-translated News: How Translation Changes Thematic Structure , journal of research in applied linguistics. (2020) 11 24-43
2 - , Abbas Ali Ahangar, Esmaeel Nourmohammadi, Thematic Progression Patterns in the English News and the Persian Translation , Iranian Journal of Applied Language Studies. (2019) 11 113-160
3 - Yarahmadzehi Nahid , Izadi mehri, Khoshsima Hooshang , Esmaeel Nourmohammadi, Mediational Strategies in a Dynamic Assessment Approach to L2 Listening Comprehension: Different Ability Levels in Focus , Italian Sociological Review. (2018) 8 445-466
4 - mehri izadi, Hooshang Khoshsima, Esmaeel Nourmohammadi, Nahid Yarahmadzehi, Upper-intermediate and Advanced EFL Learners Reciprocity to Mediation A Dynamic Listening Assessment , Applied Research on English Language. (2017) 6 523-542
5 - , Abbas Ali Ahangar, Esmaeel Nourmohammadi, Thematic structure and translation: A case study of the translation of English news into Persian , LINGUA. (2017) 194 26-50