B.Sc , Physics , University of Kashan , 2001 → 2005
MS , Physics , Semnan University , 2006 → 2009
PhD , Elementary Particle Physics and Field Theory , Semnan University , 2010 → 2015


Analysis of Resonance Contributions of Three Body Decay BJ/K

كنفرانس فيزيك ايران

Mahboobe Sayahi - 1396/06/06

1 - Mahboobe Sayahi, Vahid Dehghani, D. Naderi, Seyed Alireza Alavi, Prediction of Alpha Decay Half-Lives of Z = 118-121 Superheavy Nuclei with A ? 300 by Using the Double-Folding Potential , ZEITSCHRIFT FUR NATURFORSCHUNG SECTION A-A JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL SCIENCES. (2019) 74 551-560
2 - Mahboobe Sayahi, Resonant and non-resonant contributions of B ? K?(p1,??1){K?,??,KK} decay modes , MODERN PHYSICS LETTERS A. (2019) 34 1950043-1-1950043-12
3 - Seyed Alireza Alavi, Vahid Dehghani, Mahboobe Sayahi, Calculation of proton radioactivity half-lives , NUCLEAR PHYSICS A. (2018) 977 49-59