MS , Economics , Shahid Beheshti University , 1997 → 2000
PhD , Economics , Sistan and Baluchestan University , 2008 → 2014

برآورد تابع تقاضاي انرژي هاي تجديد پذير در ايران با استفاده از روش ARDL

چهارمين كنفرانس ملي پژوهش هاي كاربردي در علوم مديريت، اقتصاد و حسابداري ايران

Nasim Masoudi, Javad Shahraki, Marziyeh Esfandiari - 1397/12/07

industrial sector in order to fulfill the resistance economy in Sistan and Baluchestan Province

national conference on management ocean

Gholamreza Keikha, Marziyeh Esfandiari - 1394/12/21


Feasibility study of Mirjaveh - Zahedan Special Economic Zone

Hamed Aramesh, Marziyeh Esfandiari, Ali asghar Tabavar, Nour mohammad Yaqhoubi - 2019

الهه خواجه دادميري , [ Marziyeh Esfandiari, Gholamreza Zamanian ]
نيمسال دوم سال تحصيلي 00-99

مينو سراواني , [ Gholamreza Zamanian, Marziyeh Esfandiari ]
نيمسال دوم سال تحصيلي 00-99

ميلاد سالاري , [ Gholamreza Zamanian, Marziyeh Esfandiari ]
نيمسال دوم سال تحصيلي 00-99

باز محمد رحيمي , [ Nazar Dahmardeh GHaleno, Marziyeh Esfandiari ]
نيمسال اول سال تحصيلي 00-99

مهلا ميري , [ Marziyeh Esfandiari ]
نيمسال دوم سال تحصيلي 99-98

پروانه پردل , [ Marziyeh Esfandiari ]
نيمسال دوم سال تحصيلي 99-98

رقيه باراني فر , [ Marziyeh Esfandiari ]
نيمسال دوم سال تحصيلي 99-98

نسيم مسعودي , [ Nazar Dahmardeh GHaleno, Marziyeh Esfandiari ]
نيمسال اول سال تحصيلي99-98

فرزانه شاليبر , [ Marziyeh Esfandiari, Ahmad reza Sargolzehi ]
نيمسال اول سال تحصيلي 98-97

معصومه قرنجيك , [ Marziyeh Esfandiari ]
نيمسال دوم سال تحصيلي 97-96

مهلا شاه بيكي , [ Marziyeh Esfandiari ]
نيمسال دوم سال تحصيلي 97-96

فرزانه شاليبر , [ Marziyeh Esfandiari ]
نيمسال دوم سال تحصيلي 97-96

پريسا شهركي , [ Marziyeh Esfandiari ]
نيمسال اول سال تحصيلي96-95

نرگس سكوند , [ Zahra Vazifeh, Marziyeh Esfandiari, Hg Kjh ]
نيمسال اول سال تحصيلي96-95

سيدمحمدرضا مهدويان , [ Marziyeh Esfandiari ]
نيمسال دوم سال تحصيلي94-95

مهدي بهراد امين , [ Gholamreza Zamanian, Marziyeh Esfandiari ]
نيمسال دوم سال تحصيلي94-95

فرخنده يگانه , [ Marziyeh Esfandiari ]
نيمسال اول سال تحصيلي94-95


تأمين مالي و تجاريسازي فناوري شناسايي چالشها و چگونگي ايجاد ظرفيت نوآوري در كشورها

Marziyeh Esfandiari, zahra asadi - معاونت امور اقتصادي، وزارت امور اقتصادي و دارايي - 2017 Iran

معاون آموزشي دانشكده اقتصاد

1395/07/01 - 1400/06/01

1394/11/27 - 1395/04/01

رئيس دانشكده اقتصاد و مديريت

1399/06/19 - Continues

1 - , Nazar Dahmardeh GHaleno, gholamreza keshavarzhaddad, Marziyeh Esfandiari, 0 , مطالعات شبه قاره. (2020) 12 89-108
2 - Saeid Jafari, Marziyeh Esfandiari, Mosayeb Pahlavani, The Role of Factors Influencing Total Factor Productivity in East and West Asia with Emphasis on Human Capital and Oil Rents , پژوهش ها و سياست هاي اقتصادي. (2020) 28 267-295
3 - Nasim Masoudi, Nazar Dahmardeh GHaleno, Marziyeh Esfandiari, investigating the impacts of technological innovation and renewable energy on environmental pollution in countries selected by the International Renewable Energy Agency: A quantile regression approach , Caspian Journal of Enviromental Sciences. (2020) 18 97-107
4 - Saeid Jafari, Marziyeh Esfandiari, Mosayeb Pahlavani, The Role of Human Capital in Economic Growth, Energy Consumption and Environmental Pollution along with Sustainable Development in Iran , مطالعات اقتصادي كاربردي ايران. (2020) 9 77-107
5 - Marziyeh Esfandiari, Dynamic Optimization of Capital Stock: An Application of Maximum Principle , Industrial Engineering and Management Systems. (2020) 19 589-596
6 - Ahmad Vandaki, Marziyeh Esfandiari, Spatial Analysis of diversity and RD specialization impacts on employment growth , اقتصاد و توسعه منطقه اي. (2020) 27 83-102
7 - Zohreh Eskandaripoor, Marziyeh Esfandiari, Asymmetry of Exchange rate pass-through Shocks on Import prices with an Emphasis on Regime Change , مطالعات اقتصادي كاربردي ايران. (2019) 8 215-237
8 - Zohreh Eskandaripoor, Marziyeh Esfandiari, Exchange rate shock asymmetry on prices of imports with an emphasis on regime changes , اقتصاد پولي مالي. (2019) 26 267-291
9 - Mohammad Norozian, Marziyeh Esfandiari, Mehdi Hossieni, Shoja Musapour, Investigating the environmental efficiency of Iranian cotton growers , محيط زيست طبيعي. (2019) 72 389-402
10 - Saeid Jafari, Marziyeh Esfandiari, Mosayeb Pahlavani, Short-Term/Long-Term Analysis of the Differences in Total Factor Productivity in East and West Asia: A Study of the Main and Interaction Effects , برنامه ريزي و بودجه. (2019) 24 133-160
11 - Nazar Dahmardeh GHaleno, Reza Khaki, Marziyeh Esfandiari, The role of news in the fluctuations of housing price , Investment Management and Financial Innovations. (2018) 15 294-303 View Paper
12 - Mehdi Ghalenovi, Gholamreza Zamanian, Marziyeh Esfandiari, The Impact of Oil Shocks on Foreign Trade in Iran The Role of Inflation Targeting Policy , نظريه هاي كاربردي اقتصاد. (2017) 4 1-28
13 - farshid pourshahabi, Marziyeh Esfandiari, The Role of Financial Development in the Arrival of Foreign Direct Investment and Promotion of Economic Growth , پژوهش هاي رشد و توسعه اقتصادي. (2017) 7 113-126
14 - Marziyeh Esfandiari, Gholamreza Keikha, Changing Priority of Industrial Activities in Sistan and Baluchestan Province (Application of Input-output Table) , International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues. (2017) 7 330-337
15 - Mehdi Ghalenovi, Gholamreza Zamanian, Marziyeh Esfandiari, The Effect of Oil Shocks on Foreign Trade under Inflation and Exchange Rate Targeting Policies (In the Form of a Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium Model for Iran) , International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues. (2017) 7 342-351
16 - Marziyeh Esfandiari, The Role of Financial Markets Development in the Foreign Direct Investment Effect on Economic Growth (The case of D8 with Emphasizing on Iran) , International Journal of Research in Business and Social Sciences. (2015) 240-248