B.Sc , Geology , University of Isfahan , 1978 → 1987
MS , Geology-Petrology , Kharazmi University , 1987 → 1988
PhD , Geology-Petrology , Canada , 1994 → 2002
Occurrence of hydrous phases in mantle peridotites of the Marivan-Kamyaran ophiolite, Zagros, W Iran: Evidence of modal and cryptic mantle metasomatism
38th National Geosiences Congress
Azad Karimi, Ali Ahmadi, Abdolreza Partabian - 1398/02/10
Field relationship, petrography and hydrous phases of mantle peridotites of the Kamyaran- Palangan ophiolite, Zagros, W Iran
First International Conference on Biology and Earth Sciences
Azad Karimi, Ali Ahmadi, Abdolreza Partabian - 1397/12/16
The Marivan-Palngan ophiolite complex: potential for environmental contamination of heavy metals in Kurdistan province, West Iran
The 36th National and the 3rd International Geosciences Congress
Azad Karimi, Ali Ahmadi, Abdolreza Partabian - 1396/12/06
The Marivan-Palnganophiolite complex: potential for environmental contamination of heavy metals in Kurdistan province, western Iran
The 36th National and the 3rd International Geosciences Congress (25th-27th February, 2018 - Tehran, Iran)
Azad Karimi, Ali Ahmadi, Abdolreza Partabian - 1396/12/06
Crustal assimilation of evolved rocks from Makran volcanic arc, as inferred from Pb isotopes
Symposium on Cenozoic Magmatism in Iranian Plateau
, Ali Ahmadi, Hossein Moinevziri, Aliasghar Moridi - 1396/10/03
Geochemical Characterization of Source of Basalts from Makran Volcanic Arc
Symposium on Cenozoic Magmatism in Iranian Plateau
, Ali Ahmadi, Hossein Moinevaziri, Aliasghar Moridi - 1396/10/03
Geology and Geochemistry of Miocene Mafic Rocks Associated with Neh Shear Zone, Eastern Iran
Symposium on Cenozoic Magmatism in Iranian Plateau
, Ali Ahmadi, Aliasghar Moridi, Hassan Mirnejad - 1396/10/03
Peridotites of the Marian-Palangan ophiolite complex west of Iran evidence for the mantle source of Cenozoic magmatism in some parts of Iran plateau.
Symposium on Cenozoic Magmatism in Iranian Plateau
Azad Karimi, Abdolreza Partabian, Ali Ahmadi - 1396/10/03
ژئوشيمي آواري هاي ريزدانه به سن ائوسن در شرق ايران نگرشي به مطالعات منشا و شرايط هوازدگي
همايش ملي دانشجويان زمين شناسي
Mina Mostafaloo, Ali Ahmadi, Mostafa Ghomashi, Mahammad Reza Bakhshi Mohebbi - 1393/08/01
Geochemical comparison of Piazeh basaltic body, Sanandaj-Sirjan Zone, southeastern Iran
16th symposium of Geological society of Iran
Hiva Ebrahimi, Ali Ahmadi - 1391/06/14
An Introduction to Comparison of Chahkamal Basalts (East of Khash) with Iceland Arc Basalts
چهاردهمين همايش انجمن زمين شناسي ايران و بيست و هشتمين گردهمائي علوم زمين
, Ali Ahmadi, aliasghar Moridi farimani - 1389/06/25
Petrogenesis of Ultrapotassic Mafic Rocks From Rayen Central Iran
32th IGC
Ali Ahmadi - 1382/10/11
gsdg dfgsdggd
ندا مختاري , [ Ali Ahmadi, , Aliasghar Moridi ]
نيمسال اول سال تحصيلي94-95
هدي عبدي زاده , [ Ali Ahmadi, X X ]
نيمسال دوم سال تحصيلي94-93
ازاد كريمي , [ Ali Ahmadi, Abdolreza Partabian ]
نيمسال اول سال تحصيلي94-93
رضوان ميرزايي رايني , [ Ali Ahmadi, , Mohammad Boomeri ]
نيمسال اول سال تحصيلي94-93
نازنين سرحدي , [ Ali Ahmadi, ]
نيمسال اول سال تحصيلي93-92
dg hghdhybnbn
نوشين صابر شهركي , [ Ali Ahmadi, Mostafa Ghomashi ]
نيمسال اول سال تحصيلي 92-91
hfhyty tyty
حليمه مجددي مقدم , [ Ali Ahmadi, Aliasghar Moridi ]
نيمسال اول سال تحصيلي 92-91
زهرا فيروز كوهي , [ Ali Ahmadi ]
نيمسال دوم سال تحصيلي91-90
tkyui5ti ,765768 678567878
رضوان ميرزايي رايني , [ Ali Ahmadi, ]
نيمسال اول سال تحصيلي90-89
h h rty rytry
زهره خرمي , [ Ali Ahmadi, , Habib Biabangard ]
نيمسال اول سال تحصيلي90-89
fhg yt jrtyjryte
مسعود فرخ نژاد , [ Ali Ahmadi, Aliasghar Moridi ]
نيمسال اول سال تحصيلي90-89
عذرا علافر , [ Ali Ahmadi, Mohammad Boomeri, Aliasghar Moridi ]
نيمسال اول سال تحصيلي 89-88
زهرا فيروزكوهي , [ Ali Ahmadi, Mehdi Azhdary Moghaddam, Aliasghar Moridi ]
نيمسال اول سال تحصيلي88-87
1 - Azad Karimi, Ali Ahmadi, Khairkhah Monireh, Abdolreza Partabian, Petrography and Geochemistry of ophiolitic peridotite from Marivan-Kamyaran region, Zagros (western Iran) , علوم زمين. (2021) 30 25-36
2 - Neda Mokhtari, Ali Ahmadi, Hassan Mirnejad, Petrographic and geochemical characteristics of olivine basalts from east of Nehbandan and Chahchocho (Sistan suture zone, eastern Iran) , پترولوژي. (2020) 11 129-150
3 - Mahnoosh Behjati, Ali Ahmadi, Habib Biabangard, geochemical characteristic and petrogenesis of volcaniv rocks from Kule sangi-malak sih kuh complex, nourth of Zahedan, easren Iran Iran , علوم زمين. (2020) 29 61-72
4 - Azad Karimi, Ali Ahmadi, Abdolreza Partabian, Potential soil pollution by heavy metals in Kurdistan region, western Iran: the impact of ultramafic bedrock , Geopersia. (2020) 10 41-52
5 - , Ali Ahmadi, Hassan Mirnejad, Mohammad Boomeri, Kazo Nakashima, Mineralogy and geothermo-barometry of metapelitic schists, amphibolites and garnet amphibolites from Gol-Gohar metamorphic complex, SW Sirjan, Central Iran , بلورشناسي و كاني شناسي ايران. (2019) 27 437-448
6 - Azad Karimi, Ali Ahmadi, Abdolreza Partabian, Petrography and Geochemistry of ophiolitic basalts from Marivan- Palangan region (Zagros, western Iran) , پترولوژي. (2019) 10 75-96
7 - Azad Karimi, Ali Ahmadi, Abdolreza Partabian, Effect of hydrothermal alteration processes on the chemical composition of the extrusive section of the Marivan-Palangan ophiolite complex, Zagros, West of Iran , بلورشناسي و كاني شناسي ايران. (2019) 26 901-914
8 - Habib Biabangard, Ali Ahmadi, Shahnaz Rimaz, Petrology,Geochemistry and Thermobarometry of Abaraq-Hormak Volcanic Rocks, weast of Lut Zone, Central Iran , پژوهش هاي دانش زمين. (2019) 10 45-64
9 - , Ali Ahmadi, Hassan Mirnejad, Jian-Feng Gao, Kazuo Nakashima, Mohammad Boomeri, Two-tiered magmatic-hydrothermal and skarn origin of magnetite from Gol-Gohar iron ore deposit of SE Iran: In-situ LA-ICP-MS analyses , ORE GEOLOGY REVIEWS. (2018) 102 639-653 View Paper
10 - , Ali Ahmadi, Hassan Mirnejad, Mohammad Boomeri, Study of the geochemical characteristics of metapelites in the Gol-Gohar area within the Gol-Gohar iron deposit district, SW Sirjan , بلورشناسي و كاني شناسي ايران. (2018) 26 555-566 View Paper
11 - Somaiyeh Saravani, Mohammad Nabi Gorgij, Mostafa Ghomashi, Ali Ahmadi, Analysis of Microfacies, Sedimentary Environments and Sequence Stratigraphy of Pabdeh Formation, in type section, Zagros , پژوهش هاي چينه نگاري و رسوب شناسي. (2018) 33 69-104
12 - Ali Ahmadi, , Aliasghar Moridi, , Geochemical and textural characteristics of plagioclase as evidence for open-system processes: Case study from Bazman volcano (SE Iran) , بلورشناسي و كاني شناسي ايران. (2017) 25 367-380
13 - , Ali Ahmadi, , mohsen jami, Petrological and geochemical nature of mesocratic and melanocratic dykes in Lakhshak granodiorite Northwest of Zahedan , علوم زمين. (2017) 26 149-162
14 - , Ali Ahmadi, , , , Estimation of thermal maturity from well logs and seismic data in the Mansuri oilfield SW Iran , JOURNAL OF PETROLEUM SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING. (2017) 159 461-473
15 - , Ali Ahmadi, richard lentz david, Aliasghar Moridi, Mixing of basaltic and andesitic magmas in the Bazman volcanic field of southeastern Iran as inferred from plagioclase zoning , MINERALOGICAL MAGAZINE. (2017) 81 975-985
16 - , Ali Ahmadi, , Aliasghar Moridi, richard lentz david, Geochemical characterization of basalts from west of Khash (SE Iran) an approach to the nature of the mantle source , پترولوژي. (2017) 8 99-118
17 - , , Ali Ahmadi, mohammad hossein heydari fard, Estimation of Total Organic Carbon from well logs and seismic sections via neural network and ant colony optimization approach a case study from the Mansuri oil field SW Iran , Geopersia. (2017) 7 255-266
18 - , Ali Ahmadi, , , Estimation of a Maturity Index from Well Log and Seismic Data via Ant Colony Optimization Technique in Mansuri Oil Field , پژوهش نفت. (2017) 26 136-147
19 - , Sasan Bagheri, Ali Ahmadi, , Progressive metamorphism in metapelites of the Deh-Salm metamorphic complex, east of the Lut block according to garnet-biotite thermometry , علوم زمين. (2016) 26 325-338
20 - Habib Biabangard, Majid Najaf zade, Ali Ahmadi, Mineralogy geochemistry and origin of Chaharfarsakh intrusive and extrusive rocks Lut block , بلورشناسي و كاني شناسي ايران. (2016) 24 515-530
21 - Raziyeh Ghonjali pour, Habib Biabangard, Ali Ahmadi, Petrography Geochemistry and Tectonic setting of Rigi granitoid body (East of lut Block Central Iran) , پترولوژي. (2016) 7 19-32
22 - , , Ali Ahmadi, mohammad hossein heydari fard, Geochemical data prediction from well log data and seismic attributes using Ant Colony Optimization technic in Mansuri Oil field , پژوهش نفت. (2016) 86 155-168
23 - , Ali Ahmadi, Petrology and geochemistry of pillow lava and mafic rocks from middle part of the Nosratabad-Kahourak faukt system , بلورشناسي و كاني شناسي ايران. (2015) 23 309-320
24 - Mohammad Nabi Gorgij, Ali Ahmadi, , Facies,Depositional environment and sequence stratigraphy of Upper Carboniferous-Lower Permian rocks (Zaladou section( , پژوهش هاي چينه نگاري و رسوب شناسي. (2015) 61 87-104
25 - mahdiye shahraki, mohammad hossein mahmoodi gharaee, , Ali Ahmadi, Geochemistry of streamed sediments of Sarbaz river Southeast of Iran Determining sediment provenance and its impact on possible environmental pollution , علوم زمين. (2015) 25 237-250
26 - Nooshin Saber shahraki, Ali Ahmadi, Mostafa Ghomashi, Patrology and Geochemistry of Maficrocks of Ophiolitic complex from Bibi Maryam Nehbandan Fault zone eastern Iran , پژوهش هاي دانش زمين. (2015) 6 80-98
27 - , Mohammad Boomeri, Ali Ahmadi, Aliasghar Moridi, hall daglass, mehdi jamali, Investigation of physicochemistry environment of Sungun porphyry Cu deposit using chemical characteristic of minerals (northeast of Tabriz) , علوم زمين. (2011) 20 47-54